Why test cricket is best format?About cricket rules and regulations -Bat Vs Ball Game

About cricket 

who invented fipper 

Cricket is game which started by  mediaeval "club ball" game in which an underhand bowl is thrown toward a batter. Ball catchers are pictured preparing to catch a ball. 13th century detail from the Canticles of Holy Mary

Cricket is one of many "club ball" games that entail hitting a ball with a hand-held implement; others include baseball (which shares many similarities with cricket, both falling into the more specific bat-and-ball games category, golf, hockey, tennis, squash, badminton, and table tennis.

A key difference in cricket is the presence of a solid target structure, the wicket (originally thought to be a "wicket gate" through which sheep were herded), which the batter must defend. Harry Altham, a cricket historian, identified three "groups" of "club ball" games: the game of "hockey".

Test cricket
Why test cricket is best It requires both individual skill and nerve, as well as selfless teamwork. It calls for both short-term and long-term tactics. A good cricket match contains a combination of courage, daring, patience, aggression, flair, imagination, expertise, and fierce defiance that is unrivaled in other, more superficial sports.
About test cricket
Credit to Sachin Tendulkar 

A five-day-long cricket match between two teams is called a Test match, as it is considered a complete examination of teams' playing ability and endurance. The name comes from the five-day-long match being a "test" of the relative strengths of the two sides. 
First official test match played on March 15 1877 between England cricket and Australia cr 
Rules of test cricket
3. declaration
4.Forfeiture of an innings
5.follow on
7.Test cricket bowling rules
8.Tea and lunch break

  lead in test cricket:
Lead is a technical term in the language of cricket, which indicates the run difference by which a team with a higher score is ahead than the opposition team score 
Trail in test cricket
Trail is also a technical term in the language of cricket ,which indicates the run difference by which a team a team with lower score is behind than the opposite team score
Cricket laws in innings and results by 
15.1 Time of declaration

The captain of the side batting may declare an innings closed, when the ball is dead, at any time during the innings. A declared innings shall be considered to be a completed innings.

Forfeiture of an innings
Cricket laws in innings and results by
15.2 Forfeiture of an innings

A captain may forfeit either of his/her side’s innings at any time before the commencement of that innings. A forfeited innings shall be considered to be a completed innings.

5.follow on
Follow on is traditionally which occur only in test cricket.By following this rule
14.1.1 In a two-innings match of 5 days or more, the side which bats first and leads by at least 200 runs shall have the option of requiring the other side to follow their innings.

14.1.2 The same option shall be available in two-innings matches of shorter duration with the minimum leads as follows:

- 150 runs in a match of 3 or 4 days;

- 100 runs in a 2-day match;

- 75 runs in a 1-day match.

Drs is only taken by the fielding captain and the batter who is batting. The standing umpires will then refer the decision to the third umpire in order to confirm or overturn the original call. Using slow motion TV replays and other technology, the Television umpire will then have the final decision.
Test cricket bowling rules
In Test matches, a minimum of 90 overs have to be bowled in a day or a minimum of 15 overs per hour except on the last day. A minimum of 75 overs on the last day for the playing time have to be bowled. The scheduled overs may be reduced or increased in case the match is affected by rain or any other disturbances.
Tea and lunch break
Tea and lunch break are taken to recover players energy to play game .The interval between innings lasts for 10 minutes. In Test cricket, lunch (or, in the case of day/night Test matches, dinner) will last for 40 minutes and tea for 20 minutes.

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